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Hi! My name is Wella. You may have seen me before. I was created out of beautiful, colorful fabric by the girls rescued from slavery in India. Their hands put me together so that I could meet all of you! My purpose is to help Set Free bring clean water and the love of Jesus to villages in India. I do this in three different ways:

1. When I am purchased by you!

2. When you purchase a #CrowdsourcingKids box and your family participates in a fundraiser to sell me and 9 of my friends.

3. When your homeschool co-op or church group purchases educational Wella craft boxes to learn all about the world water crisis and what you can do to help.

Will you join me?



Who Made Me

I was created by young women, like Shakti, rescued from slavery in India. They were rescued by Set Free’s team of partner pastors. These rescued children have been redeemed in the name of Jesus – given a second chance at life. Creating me helps them learn the very valuable skill of tailoring. Many grow up to make a career out of tailoring, and I’m the first step!

The number of young women who have grown up in our child redemption program and are now employed by tailoring companies in India
The approximate number of elephants that have been made by the rescued children in India


What I Do

After people just like you purchase me, all of my proceeds go towards sharing Jesus and providing clean water in Indian villages. This gift changes the lives of hundreds of people. Children no longer walk 3+ miles each day in search of water for their families - they can return to school! Mothers can rest assured their loved ones will not fall ill because of dirty water. Fathers won't miss work anymore because of water related illnesses.

You can read more about the dirty water problem in India and how I help give fresh water.

The number of villages that have received clean water and experienced the love of Christ for themselves all because of these little elephants
Lives Saved
Estimated number of children within these villages who will now reach their 5th birthday because they won't fall ill to water-related diseases


Where to Purchase Me

If you'd like to provide job training for rescued girls AND clean water for an entire village, bring me home!

Buy individual versions of me to keep for yourself, give as gifts, or both!

To buy your individual Wellas - click here

I can't wait to meet you!



#CrowdsourcingKids Fundraising kit

Watch your child become a world-changer!

When you buy a #CrowdsourcingKids kit you'll bring home me and 9 of my friends. When you, and 49 other kids sell the 10 of us to your friends and family, you will be raising money that will go directly towards drilling a well in India that will bring hundreds - sometimes thousands the gift of clean water!

So far my friends and I have drilled 8 wells when kids just like you sold us! Each round is made up of 50 kits - and the next round will be available on November 1st, 2023! This round will be a special Christmas ornament round. I want to empower you to change the world. I know that together we can make such a big difference in the lives of others across the world.

Each kit contains:

  1. 10 elephants handmade in India
  2. Price tags
  3. Marketing materials to help you kickstart your fundraiser

To get your #CrowdsourcingKids bag now - click here



Educational Wella Box

Are you looking to engage kids and families in your program or homeschool co-op?

This customizable Wella craft box was designed for you to have a meaningful touchpoint with families, giving them materials to entertain but also educate kids on the world water crisis and water the Lord is doing around the world. At just $10 a box, this is not a fundraiser. We simply hope to be a resource for you to connect with your families and provide quality content to teach and entertain children.

If you are interested in learning more about and purchasing Wella craft boxes for your group, get in touch with us here!

PS. After your group completes their craft box, check out our Guide to Your Wella Box

It was such a privilege for our church to partner with Set Free in their Wella boxes! It was such a fun and tangible way for our families to learn about the work they are doing to alleviate suffering and to spread the Gospel message. I pray other ministries will use this excellent resource to educate, bring awareness, and partner financially to further this Kingdom work!
- Pam Watson, New Hope Church

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