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A Guide to Your Wella Box

2 Min Read

Jul 13, 2020

Wella Elephant Graphic

This post contains helpful information for those of you that have received one of our Wella boxes full of activities to teach about Set Free’s mission to provide freedom through Christ to people around the world.

You made it!

We hope that you enjoyed all of the fun challenges in your Wella box and have had a chance to think about what a gift clean water is and how God is using Set Free to bring clean water to people that really need it.

Make sure to give your second Wella to a friend and tell them all that you learned!

We would love to see your awesome creations – don’t forget to tag us @SetFreeAlliance and use the hashtag #WaterForWater (with a grown-up’s permission of course).

And just incase you got a little stuck on some of those tough crossword puzzle answers, we’ve included the key below:

Across: 1. Jesus 3. School 4. Freedom 6. Drilling 9. Wells 11. Kambia 12. Wella 13. Gospel

Down: 2. Tailoring 5. Medical 7. Lofa 8. India 10. Slavery

We pray that you will remember these challenges long after today as you continue to remember your brothers and sisters in Christ who are still waiting for clean water – and remember that when they finally get clean water, they’ll hear about how the same Jesus that loves you, loves them too.

Check out a couple of ways to get involved even further:

  1. If you and your family would like to join Set Free in changing the world through Christ, your family can give on our donate page.
  2. If you are interested in selling a box of 12 Wellas to friends and family as a way to fundraise to drill a well in India, get started with our Crowdsourcing Kids boxes! 

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