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We are 40% of the way to our July Fundraising Goal


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Set Free – Updated Look. Same Mission

3 Min Read

Mar 30, 2017

If you’ve been familiar with Set Free for more than a week now, you might have noticed that things look a little different now. We’ve got a new look! And if this is your first time hearing about Set Free – WELCOME!

Set Free Goals for 2017

After 15 years in ministry, we don’t think God is done with Set Free yet. In fact, we are working hard to grow and expand our ministry. And we’ve got some big goals for the coming year.

  • Last year, we drilled 345 BRAND NEW wells.
  • This year, our (not-so) secret goal is to hit 400.
  • We’re actively working to secure the funding the purchase a second drill rig in Sierra Leone. This will allow us to double our drilling capacity in that country.

Set Free is also seeing incredible results from our pastor partners in India. Whenever we ask how we can best support their evangelism efforts, their answer is always the same – more water wells. We want to support them by increasing our drilling in India from 12 wells per month to 15. In order to afford this increase, Set Free needs to expand our donor and partner presence both within the Upstate of SC and across the United States as a whole.

Our Mission

As we plan for the coming growth of our ministry, the staff spent some time really focusing on who Set Free is as an organization and what our purpose is in the world. As we grow, we want to be very clear about this mission. A common theme we kept coming back to in our discussions was this – water is simply the method to our mission. It’s a critical need, and the ripple effect from giving a village clean water spreads far and wide. But what we really want Set Free to be known for is everything that happens Beyond the Well. We are, at our core, about the people. We are about using water wells to open the doors for our pastor partners to share the gospel of Christ with the unreached.

These are all things that we’ve known all along, we just needed a more focused and consistent way to say it. So, with our newly consistent brand messaging, we decided we needed an updated look to go with it.

Set Free Logo

Fun Facts About the Set Free Logo:

  1. The loop at the top of the W doubles as a map marker. We strive for honesty and transparency in our work. That’s one of the reasons why we prove all of our water projects with GPS coordinates that are mapped on Google maps.
  2. The loop at the top of the W is also an upside-down water drop. Giving a village clean water is what opens the door for our pastor partners to share the hope and love of Jesus. Clean water is not our end result. Instead, clean water is what the actual mission of sharing the Gospel is built from.
  3. There is a subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) ripple theme running throughout. Giving clean water is only our entry point. The ripple of this gift spreads as children are able to return to school, men are able to go to work to provide for their family, and our pastor partners are granted access to plant churches and grow Christian discipleship. This gift does not simply make a person’s life better – it transforms the entire village.

We are excited about the ways God is using Set Free to transform the world. Thank you for being on this journey with us!

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