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Our Mission

What we do

Our Mission

Set Free is on a mission to provide freedom through Christ. We are not a strictly humanitarian organization, but rather we are an evangelical organization that happens to do humanitarian work. We understand that we cannot make disciples of Christ if children are enslaved and have no way of hearing of who Christ is and how much He loves them. We cannot make disciples of Christ if a mother is too weak from hunger to listen and absorb the Good News. We cannot make disciples of Christ if a father dies because of water-borne disease, never hearing the name Jesus Christ.

8.4606° N, 11.7799° W

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17

Whether it’s hosting mobile medical clinics, rescuing children from slavery, reuniting them with their families, or providing clean water – everything we do is for the glory of God. It’s our way of making the love of Jesus real in this broken world. And these simple acts of love open the doors for our pastor partners to share stories of faith, shine light in the darkness, and make disciples of Christ.

Sharing stories of faith... Shining light in the darkness...Making disciples of Christ around the world.

  • Set Free

    Areas of Impact

    We like to think of ourselves as an evangelical organization that happens to do humanitarian work. But it’s by meeting these very basic human needs that the light and love of Jesus is able to reach into the darkest corners of the world.

  • Rescuing Children

    Children are rescued from slavery, reuniting them with their families when possible and caring for them when it’s not. All the while, our time spent with these children is used to equip them to become disciples of Christ.

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  • Medical Aid

    Countless men, women, and children suffer from treatable illnesses in the villages we serve. Meeting medical needs that no one ever has allows our pastor partners to also effectively reach them with the love of Jesus.

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  • Clean Water

    Entire villages are transformed by drilling a water well that not only changes the community’s health forever but will also open the doors for our network of pastor partners to share the gospel of Christ with those villages.

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  • Planting Churches

    Our pastor partners will permanently establish a church in villages and lead Bible studies to nurture and foster spiritual growth and expand the reach of the gospel.

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  • Ready to make an impact?

    Help us change lives.

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Better Together

We are committed to our mission of rescuing, healing, giving clean water, and discipleship. We believe that these needs go hand-in-hand for abundant life. Through the merging of Water of Life and Set Free Alliance in combination with your gifts and the Holy Spirit, we can make a difference.

Greenville south carolina


Partnerwith Set Free

There are many ways to partner with Set Free to provide freedom through Christ to the unreached nations of the world. From monthly giving to championing a village fundraiser, we encourage you to invest in our work across the globe, and experience the joy of giving freedom to those most in need.

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8.4606° N, 11.7799° W

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