We are 15% of the way to our May Fundraising Goal


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Wella | Hand-Stitched Elephants (Meta)


Meet Wella! A little elephant on a big mission. Each elephant is hand-made by young women rescued from slavery in India, and all proceeds go toward providing clean water in Indian villages.

This gift changes the lives of hundreds of people. Children no longer walk 3+ miles each day searching for water for their families - they can return to school! Mothers can rest assured their loved ones will not fall ill because of dirty water. Fathers won't miss work anymore because of water-related illnesses.

All elephants are hand-stitched and 100% cotton. The elephants come in two sizes: Small (3.5″ tall) and Large (5″ tall). The colors and patterns are unique on each elephant.


Set Free is a faith-based nonprofit organization that envisions a world where all are set free in Christ. We are making a difference around the world one child at a time by rescuing children from slavery, providing medical aid, giving fresh water, and planting local churches. We are meeting basic life and spiritual needs in West Africa and India.

333 Wade Hampton Blvd., Greenville, SC 29609 | 864.469.9500 |

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