Set Free Alliance & Water of Life – Better Together

5 Min Read

Apr 22, 2019

Group of Indian villagers

Water of Life and Set Free Alliance are joining forces! For years, Water of Life and Set Free Alliance have worked in India to bring glory to God by bringing more people into His kingdom. Water of Life has developed a rich network of pastor partners who, empowered with water wells and medical clinics, have been very successful at sharing the gospel and planting multiplying churches. This is the same network Set Free Alliance has partnered with to rescue, reunite, and care for enslaved and vulnerable children in India. By combining ministries – we will be able to accomplish more together than we could ever do separately.

We are seeing a powerful circle of faith in India right now that we can only attribute to the work of God. Here’s what it looks like:

Water of Life provides water wells and medical clinics that opens the door for our partner's network of pastors to share the Gospel of Christ. Jesus changes everything. So as churches are planted and communities are being changed from the inside out in Christ, slave owners are releasing their slaves, orphans are being rescued from the streets, and parents are waiting for their children to be returned to them. Children are then reunited with their families - and in cases where this isn’t a possibility, they are cared for, loved, and trained for a very bright future.

We are excited to work together to create a world where all people have access to clean water, no one is held in slavery, and all are equipped to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We are excited about what God has in store for our future. But we also understand that you may have questions along the way. If you have a specific question or concern that is not addressed – please know that our staff would love to talk to you!

Thank you for your support along this journey!


Why are these two organizations merging?
Because the work that’s happening in India is already combined. Set Free Alliance and Water of Life have sought donations, shared stories, and funded different aspects of God’s work through Praveen in India. But what is sometimes seen as very separate activities from the states is very much integrated in India. Evangelism through water wells, medical clinics, and rescued children often occurs together within the same village. By merging our resources in the states, we will be better able to empower the work that is already combined in India.

Is Set Free Alliance still working to end slavery in India?
Absolutely!!! We have a vision of India where no child is left is slavery, and we are still working hard to make this vision a reality. In addition, by joining our vision with Water of Life's district-by-district approach to well drilling and church planting – we will be even more effective and efficient in the rescuing and reuniting of children.

Will Water of Life still be drilling wells and planting churches?
Definitely! Wells are the evangelism tool that opens the doors for churches to be planted. The great commission tells us to go and make disciples, and that will continue to be our mission in everything we do.

Is anything changing in our partnership with Praveen?
Nothing about the work in India is changing. Kids are still being rescued, reunited, and cared for. Villages are still being assessed and prioritized for well drilling. Churches are still being planted, and Christians are being discipled. And Praveen is still leading it all.

Will this affect Water of Life's work in West Africa?
No. Set Free remains committed to our partners and serving the people of Sierra Leone and Liberia with clean water and the gospel of Christ. We are also blessed with two major donors who fund the majority of our work here. They too remain committed to reaching this region.

Is 100% of my donation still going to the kids?
No BUT by combining our organizations we expect to be able to provide even more resources for the kids. Set Free Alliance has operated with the 100% model and used private donors to cover all overhead expenses. Water of Life operates in a one-fund model where donations fund the organization as a whole. Pooling all donations together – mission funds from Set Free Alliance, operational cost donations from Set Free Alliance, and Water of Life donations as a whole - combined with the cost-savings efficiency that comes with combining offices - will allow us to send a higher percentage overall to meet the needs.

How will my donation be designated?
Undesignated donations are the best way you can impact the world through your giving. It allows us to empower our partners to utilize these funds as they most need them. However, we will always respect the wishes of our donors. If you wish to give specifically towards water wells or the rescued children of India, we will make sure these requests are honored.

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