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Water For Wella
Paperback Children's Book

Get to know Wella, the little elephant on a big mission, in our new children's book! Join Wella as she takes you on the transformative journey to clean water.
Watch how that water completely changes her life and her village forever.

(Proceeds from each book provide clean
water for a person in need.)


Wella Is On A Mission To Get Clean Water.This Is Her Story.

Wella is a little elephant living in an Indian village. Every day, she and her friends have to walk a long way to collect water. And after all that work and walking, the water they get isn’t even clean! When Wella learns about another village getting access to clean water, she dreams of what life could be like if her village got a well.

Set Free’s mission is to transform communities by drilling wells that bring access to reliable, clean water. Today, there are 771 million people around the world who still lack access to this basic need. Our hope is that Water for Wella will illustrate the importance of having clean water and educate children on the world water crisis in a way that is applicable to them. Our goal is to raise a new generation who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of others through clean water.

Group 7965@2x
Group 7967@2x

Water for Wella


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Join the Mission Get Your Water For WellaPaperback Today!

Every book you buy helps get clean water to Indian villages in need.

Pair Your Book With A Handmade Wella Elephant

Wella handcrafted elephants are made by young women rescued from slavery in India. When you purchase a Wella, you’re giving them a second chance at life and helping give the gift of clean water to those in need.


Wella: Elephants Christmas Ornament


Wella: Hand-Stitched Elephants
