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How to Visit a Muslim Village as a Christian: Tips for Respectful Engagement
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3 Min Read
Aug 31, 2017
You hear it said a lot that it’s hard to be a Christian in today’s world. I think that’s true, but I also believe it was hard to be a Christian at any time. Being a Christian is counter to much of what the world tells us and what is deep inside of us. Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek. Humanity’s reaction is to stand up and fight. God says to put our whole trust in Him. The world says we will only be ok if the right leaders are elected. The Bible tells us giving generously is important. The world says we constantly need more.
I choose to give because it’s an important way for me to live out my faith. My family tithes to our church on the first day of every month. We do believe it’s important to recognize that everything comes from God and so we are called to return a portion to Him, but we also believe it is an important way to trust God.
During the past stewardship campaign at my church, it was shared that if you can trust God with your finances, you can trust God with anything. I have found that to be exceedingly true. It was hard to step out in faith to make the 10% pledge. I think it’s human nature to want to be in control. My bank account is no exception. What if something unexpected comes up? What if we don’t have enough? God’s promises are true though, and at the end of the day it’s always been enough.
My family also gives to charities and non-profits we believe in. It’s important for me to teach my children that they are very blessed. When they begin to covet the things their friends have and become dissatisfied with what they already have, I look to cultivate contentment. In order to do that, we have to recognize the poor among us who have much less than we do and rest in our true worth as children of God. It sounds wrong, but we truly feel at our richest when we are giving and serving.
Emma, a 13 year old Set Free donor, recognized this important act of giving as a way to live out her faith. She was spending time in scripture and read the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler. God moved in her heart and stirred her to action. She was saving money to purchase a hoverboard. She had a significant amount saved. By the world’s standards she was doing great. Emma was saving money to buy the latest, coolest gadget. Jesus taught her otherwise, and she listened. Emma donated the entire amount she was saving so that people in need could have water.
It’s a hard thing to put our complete trust in the Lord. It’s a daily choice to follow Jesus. But it’s so very important.
See how far your dollars go in making an impact in the lives of others.